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Theme 2: Therapeutic approaches against Alzheimer's disease

Axe 1. The selective Cu(II) and Cu(I) chelation. Principal investigator: C. Esmieu

Axe 2. Inorganic scaffolds as modulators of amyloid-forming peptides self-assembly. Principal investigator: C. Hureau

Theme 3: Tools to monitor peptide self-assembly and to image amyloids and beyond

Axe 1. Ln-based complexes to detect amyloids and their formation. Principal investigator: C. Hureau

Axe 2. Lanmodulin-based imaging tools. Principal investigator: E. Falcone

Theme 4: Bioinspired catalysis

Axe 1. Artificial Ln-enzymes. Principal investigator: E. Mathieu

Axe 2. Peptide-based models of LPMOs. Principal investigator: C. Hureau

Alzheimer, Amyloids and BioInorganic Chemistry


Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS,

Université Paul Sabatier

205 Route de Narbonne, Toulouse, France

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©2021 par LCC - Toulouse - Équipe F

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