Interaction of lanthanide(III) ions and complexes with amyloid-β peptides
My main project is focused on the study of lanthanide(III) complexes, including MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) contrast agents, as modulators and/or probes of amyloid-β peptpides self-assembly, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.
CV (full CV)
2018-2021 - PhD in Biological and Therapeutic Chemistry
Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177), University of Strasbourg (France)
Supervisors: Prof Peter Faller and Dr Laurent Raibaut
"Copper complexes for potetial diagnostic or therapeutic applications in copper-related diseases"
2016-2018 - MSc in Biomolecular Chemistry (110/110 summa cum laude), University of Catania (Italy)
2013-2016 - BSc in Chemistry (110/110 summa cum laude), University of Catania (Italy)
Since 2024 - Post-Doc at LCC-CNRS (UPR8241), Toulouse, Christelle HUREAU group
Topic:Interaction of lanthanide(III) ions and complexes with amyloid-β peptides
05/2023 - Visiting Post-Doc at Université Libre de Bruxelles, CPBL, David CANNELLA group
Topic: Recombinant expression of LPMOs in bacteria and yeast​
2022-2023 - Post-Doc at University of Nottingham, School of Chemistry, Luisa CIANO group
Topic: Characterization of natural LPMOs and de-novo design of LPMO-like peptide mimics​
2021-2022 - Post-Doc at University of Strasbourg, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177), Peter FALLER group
Topic: Dioxygen activation by Cu ions and Cu-based drugs in the presence of biological reductants
2 PhD Thesis Prize (Research Committee of the University of Strasbourg and French EPR Association(ARPE))
2 Best Oral Presentation Prize (FrenchBIC-2020 & MBP-2024)
Best Poster Prize (CuBICS-2018)
14 publications (10 research articles, 3 reviews, 1 book chapter)
13 as first (co)author, 3 as (co)corresponding author*
Selected research articles
E. Falcone, V. Vigna, H. Schueffl, F. Stellato, B. Vileno, M. Bouraguba, G. Mazzone, O. Proux, S. Morante, P. Heffeter, E. Sicilia* and P. Faller*, When Metal Complexes Evolve, and a Minor Species Is the Most Active: the Case of Bis(Phenanthroline)Copper in the Catalysis of Glutathione Oxidation and Hydroxyl Radical Generation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, (doi: 10.1002/anie.202414652)
E. Falcone, G. Nobili, M. Okafor, O. Proux, G. Rossi, S. Morante, P. Faller* and F. Stellato*, Chasing the Elusive "In-Between" State of the Copper-Amyloidβ Complex by X-ray Absorption through Partial Thermal Relaxation after Photoreduction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023 (doi: 10.1002/anie.202217791) – Hot Paper
E. Falcone, A. G. Ritacca, S. Hager, H. Schueffl, B. Vileno, Y. El Khoury, P. Hellwig, C. R. Kowol, P. Heffeter*, E. Sicilia* and P. Faller*, Copper-catalyzed glutathione oxidation is accelerated by the anticancer thiosemicarbazone Dp44mT and further boosted at lower pH, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 32, 14758–14768 (doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c05355)
E. Falcone, P. Gonzalez, L. Lorusso, O. Sénèque, P. Faller* and L. Raibaut*, A Terbium(III) luminescent ATCUN-based peptide sensor for selective and reversible detection of Copper(II) in biological media, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 4797-4800 (doi: 10.1039/D0CC01007C)
Selected reviews
E. Falcone and C. Hureau*, Redox processes in Cu-binding proteins: the “in-between” states in intrinsically disordered peptides, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023 (doi: 10.1039/d3cs00443k)
E. Falcone*, M. Okafor, N. Vitale, L. Raibaut, A. Sour and P. Faller*, Extracellular Cu2+ pools: from current knowledge to next-generation probes, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2021, 433, 213727 (doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213727)