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Theme 4. Bioinspired Catalysis

Principal Investigator: Emilie Mathieu

Axe 1. Artificial Ln-enzymes

This project focuses on developing artificial lanthanide enzymes as models of lanthanide methanol dehydrogenases. We aim to deepen our understanding of the interactions between lanthanide ions and peptides, as well as the role played by the metal ion in the catalytic activity of the enzyme


Axe 2. Peptide-based models of LPMOs

Principal Investigator: Christelle Hureau

We aim at designing and characterizing bio-inspired catalytically active peptide models of the Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases, which are copper-containing enzymes responsible for the hydroxylation of inert C-H bonds of polysaccharides. Beyond the delivery of catalytic complexes, we will provide structure-activity relationships (SAR) and thus key factors to rationally guide the further development of environmentally benign and cost-effective bio-inspired catalysts.

Alzheimer, Amyloids and BioInorganic Chemistry


Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS,

Université Paul Sabatier

205 Route de Narbonne, Toulouse, France

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