My main focus in the team is to develop and synthesize new fluorescent ligands able to prevent the Cu-Aβ-associated toxicity and ultimately rebalance Cu between intra- and extracellular compartments, and to gain fundamental knowledge about key molecular processes in AD context for therapeutic purposes.
2014 PhD in inorganic and bio-inorganic chemistry
Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals – UMR 5249 – CEA-CNRS-UGA, Grenoble – France
Supervisors : Dr. Stéphane Ménage and Dr. Stéphane Torelli
“Structure-activity relationships in copper complexes bio-inspired from nitrous oxide reductase”
2011 Master’s degree: bio-organic & bio-inorganic chemistry
Joseph Fourier University – Grenoble – France
Since October 2019
CNRS researcher in the “Alzheimer and amyloids” Group – Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (LCC) – UPR CNRS 8241, Toulouse (headed by Dr. Christelle Hureau)
“Syntheses and studies of fluorescent Cu-targeting drugs in Alzheimer disease context”
2018 - 2019
Post-doctoral PRESTIGE Fellow and Marie Curie Fellow in the “Alzheimer and amyloids” Group – Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (LCC) – UPR CNRS 8241, Toulouse with Dr. Christelle Hureau
“Studies of Cu-chelators and Effect of the N-truncation of Aβ peptides on the ROS production by their copper complexes in the context of Alzheimer disease”
2015 - 2018
Post-doctoral Fellow (Wenner-Gren Foundation) in the “bio-physical and bio-inorganic chemistry” Group – Department of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory – Uppsala University – Sweden with Dr. Gustav Berggren
“Design and preparation of artificial hydrogenases - chemistry and biology in synergy”
• 2025 Young Investigator Award ICT Toulouse
• 2020 ANR funded project: Copperation
• 2019 Best poster award at JCC2019
• 2018 PRESTIGE co-financing grant award (Marie Curie FP7)
• 2016 Travel grant (EuroBIC’13) from the Wenner-Gren Foundation (
• 2016 Two-years postdoctoral scholarship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation (
• 2015 Poster selected for a flash poster presentation at ISF-1 (International Solar Fuels Conference)
• 2013 Best poster award at ICBIC’16 (International Conference on Bio-Inorganic Chemistry)
• 2013 PhD Best Publication Award of the Chemistry-Biology Department, Grenoble University
21 oral communications in local, national and international conferences including 1 EuroBIC 17, Münster, Germany 2014, 1 International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry (ISABC), Ioannina, Greece 2023, 1 Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms & Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group Meeting, Manchester, UK, 2019, 1 Young researcher lecture, EuroBIC 13, Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 2 Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016/2017
10 posters presentations in local,national and international conferences
Author of 26 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals ; 12 as first author ;6 Inorg. Chem.,5 Dalton trans.,3 Chem. Eur. J.,2 Chem. Sci.,2 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2 Energy Environ. Sci.,2 Molecules,1 Eur. J. Inorg. Chem,1 J. Inorg. Biochem., 1 Sustainable Energy Fuels, and 1 Comptes Rendus Chimie.
C. Rulmont, JL. Stigliani, C. Hureau, C. Esmieu; A rationally designed Cu(I) ligand to prevent the CuAβ-generated ROS production in the Alzheimer’s disease context. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 5, 2340–2351.DOI:
K. P. Malikidogo, M. Drommi, E. Atrián-Blasco, J. Hormann, N. Kulak, C. Esmieu, and C. Hureau; Ability of Azathiacyclen Ligands to Stop Cu(Aβ)-Induced Production of Reactive Oxygen Species: [3N1S] is the Right Donor Set, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202203667 DOI:
C. Esmieu, G. Ferrand, V. Borghesani, C. Hureau; N‐truncated Aβ peptides impact on Cu and Cu (Aβ)‐generated ROS: Cu (I) matters!, Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 1777-1786 DOI:
Esmieu, C., Balderrama-Martínez-Sotomayor, R., Conte-Daban, A., Iranzo, O., & Hureau, C. (2021). Unexpected trends in copper removal from Aβ peptide: when less ligand is better and Zn helps. Inorg. Chem., 60(2), 1248–1256. DOI:
Queyriaux, N., Esmieu, C., Gupta, A. K., Vendier, L., Ott, S., Orio, M., & Hammarström, L. (2021). Electrochemical, spectroscopic, and computational investigation of a series of polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes: Characterization of reduced states. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2021(13), 1263–1270. DOI:
Esmieu, C., Guettas, D., Conte-Daban, A., Sabater, L., Faller, P., & Hureau, C. (2019). Copper-targeting approaches in alzheimer’s disease: how to improve the fallouts obtained from in vitro studies. Inorg. Chem., 58(20), 13509–13527. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00995