Mesure d'affinité du cuivre pour différents sites protéiques par compétition

2019-2022 - PhD in a novel periplasmic protein involved in the copper resistance by magnetic resonance studies
BIP lab, Marseille (France),Supervisor: Pierre Dorlet
"Studies on a novel periplasmic protein involved in the copper resistance by magnetic resonance"
2018-2019 - Master in Chemistry speciality Life Sciences
EPR study of the molybdenum active site of the Sulfite Dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus
BIP lab, Marseille (France),Supervisor: Pierre Dorlet
Since 2025 - Post-Doc at LCC-CNRS (UPR8241), Toulouse, Christelle HUREAU group
Topic:Measurement of CuI/CuII affinity for copper sites in Copl, a protein involved in Cu(I)
periplasmic detoxification by fluorescence, UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopy
2023-2024 - Engineer in Biochemistry at CBMN de Pessac,Yann FICHOU group
PhD Thesis Prize (French EPR Association(ARPE))
​Selected research articles
Structural evidence for a reaction intermediate mimic in the active site of a sulfite dehydrogenase. A. Djeghader, M. Rossotti, S. Abdulkarim, F. Biaso, G. Gerbaud, W. Nitschke, B. Schoepp-Cothenet, T. Soulimane, S. Grimaldi. Chemical Communications, 2020.
DOI: 10.1039/d0cc03634j
The green cupredoxin CopI is a multicopper protein able to oxidize Cu(II). M. Rossotti, D. Arceri, P. Mansuelle, O. Bornet, A. Durand, S. Ouchane, H. Launay, P. Dorlet. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2024.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2024.112503
Multi-scale techniques for the characterization of the macromolecular and volatile compound modifications during oak wood heat treatments. M. Courregelongue, M. Duttine, A. Grélard, M. Rossotti, G. Gerbaud, Y. Fichou, A. Pons.