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Marielle DROMMI

PhD Student at Université Paul Sabatier

Design, synthesis and study of artificial Zn and Cu peptidases in Alzheimer's disease context





2020-2021  -  Master 2 in Molecular Chemistry at Paris Centre (PSL-Sorbonne University)

2018-2019  -  Agrégation Externe de Physique-Chimie option Chimie, Ranking : 1st 

Master 2 Preparation à l'agrégation externe de chimie (Centre de l'ENS - Montrouge)

2017-2018  -  Predoctoral Master 1 in Chemistry (ENS-UPMC)

2016-2017  -  Predoctoral Bachelor in Chemistry (ENS-UPMC)

2014-2016  -  Preparatory Class for the aux Grandes Ecoles – PCSI/PC (Lycée Sainte-Geneviève – Versailles) Admission to École normale supérieure de Paris on competitive exam

2013-2014  -  Baccalauréat S-SVT  Mathematics (Corenc – Isère)


2021 - Research assistant 

Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (CNRS - UPR 8241) M2 internship under the supervision of Christelle Hureau and Charlène Esmieu - "Synthesis and study of copper complexes in the context of Alzheimer's disease"

2019-2020 - Civic service

Maison Saint Benoît, Children's home of the Apprentis d'Auteuil association (Seynod - Haute-Savoie) - Mission of animation and school support for children and teenagers in difficulty

2018 - Research Assistant

Freie Universität Berlin - M1 internship under the supervision of Marie Weinhart

"Thermoresponsive polymer coatings on different substrates to produce cell sheets for tissue engineering"

2017 - Research Assistant

Molecular Electrochemistry Laboratory (Paris Diderot - UMR 7591) - L3 internship under the supervision of Benoît Limoges and François Mavré - "Redox cycling of quinones in the presence of enzymes and their substrates"

2017 - Realization of "colles" (oral exams) of chemistry for a PCSI class of the Lycée Saint-Geneviève 

Alzheimer, Amyloids and BioInorganic Chemistry


Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS,

Université Paul Sabatier

205 Route de Narbonne, Toulouse, France

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